· To always follow the artists’ image whether that is rebellion, romance or innocence. The brand identity must be followed as strictly as possible, for the mass consumption to enjoy. The best characteristics for an artist’s successful career for the current time are an edgy, rebellious, youthful, and attractive character. With a well built family including money alongside a genuine personality.
· The featuring of the artist. In almost all videos the artist is encouraged to feature to build a stronger narrative and image for the video.
· Camera use. To use a variety of shot types, camera angles and movement can create a edgy atmosphere that could follow our “rebellious” theme, imitating the current media.
· A strong narrative structure
· A strong theatrical performance
· Shot types is synchronization of the beat
· A good use of special effects. We will be using a blue screen to emphasise any backgrounds or unique effects
· A carefully constructed mise en scene
· High impact imagery to beat competition
Our first pitch consisted of our two main ideas and one as a backup if all else was to fail. Our back up video was immediately suggested as our main idea to use that we are going to strive towards. We were told that bringing in the genuine band would prevent any forced performances or awkward moments on film. Our idea is simplistic, with the indi/rock band performing with the blue screen where we will add special effects. There were two main worries that occurred; One being reliability. All the artists’ either live very far from the studio or attend school, so it could be hard to rely of them to arrive on the shoot day. Second being our small time gap in which we would be able to film. From the 2nd to the 24th of November is our only time to film and if they can only arrive on weekends after school it could be a difficult task.
The second idea consists of a band playing in their bedroom and the whole neighbour is physically drawn to the music. They all stop what they are doing and immediately drag themselves to the music. The response was positive, but some realistic questions were asked. “Where is the bedroom” “Where will we populate 40 people to act out for a day” and “you’ll need a variety of people in variations of age, appearance and gender.” We will need to ask cleaners, students, friends, teachers, family members etc to create a large group of people. Adding to our idea, pathos was suggested. For example, the conclusion to the video was that actually it was not the band, but the radio playing. We were left to consider whose house we could use and if the studio should be used at all, for the window or the interior design.
The third idea is a “rave” themed video, played by Goose. (band) We would convert the convention by showing no band. This is a risk because we will have a limited set of scenes and potentially a less structured narrative. The idea was to have many people all dressed in worn down, edgy clothing who are all running together to the “rave” in which the DJ is playing. The group must all be intimidating, rock like characters. We would then incorporate short, sharp shots of political events. E.g a bomb, tank or a soldier to add a narrative of aggression and an underlying message. Again, we were happy with the feed back and this time round we were simply encouraged to emphasise the idea we already had; adding a faceless DJ to the set in which he is left alone when a bomb is set off. Standing, still quietly will conclude the video nicely. Also to emphasise he narrative of “each man for himself” that society has broken down and rebellion has broken out. Uncontrollable aggression throughout the derelict land. Finally, we were given a few elements to research, one being how we could find a burnt out area or building that we could pass with the health and safety council.