Wednesday, 16 December 2009


Our Thriller film, FIVE is targeted to a specific audience aged 15 years old to young adults (25-30 years old) The film is part of a super natural genre that the older generation may not enjoy, yet our target audience can believe and follow.

FIVE is rated as a 15. Any members of public younger than this age could be offended or extremely frightened by what they view. The forceful behaviour of Russell (our external actor) could be very influential to the younger audience. In the most dramatic circumstances, young children could start to believe that this behaviour and situation is how life is meant to be. Also expressing how 'children' should act. In all cases, Lou's personality is not true of reality. This behaviour could heavily influence younger children, damaging their up bringing or even psycholoically effect them. The film will be as realistic as possible, with accurate make-up, props and acting skills. This would only add to the realistic elements of the film that could once again effect childrens behaviour and beliefs.

We believe both genders would equally enjoy the film. However, the male population may prefer the topic of film because of the strong stereotype of men taking control. The manipulation and controlling behaviours of the Russell upon the Lou may discourage female members of the public to watch this film. This may now be perceived as discrimination towards the female population, but instead we are trying to produce a controversial and different plot to what has been produced in the film industry before us.

We would hope that our film would be shown globally. As long as the correct targeted audience and only members of the public who prefer graphic, fast moving scenes view our film. Otherwise the films reviews and reputation would be blown. I tihnk the film's audience is very particular, but if someone were to watch it that did not enjoy this type of theme and film they really would not enjoy it.

Overall, the film could have a strong fan base. It has great potential to sell successfully in the film industry.

Tuesday, 15 December 2009

Cast List

We chose teenagers so that our product would appeal to a young teenage audience. We also used an attractive middle aged man so that we would also be able to attract an older audience. We used a teenage girl as she represent innocence, and we wanted an attractive girl so it would appeal to male audiences.

Monday, 14 December 2009



b) An innocent 10 year-old girl, called LYDIA is sitting at a table. Suddenly she looks up and her eyes grow red and redder. She is being possessed. She is staring into space and she slowly picks up a pen and begins to draw frantically. Lydia’s face becomes pale and ghostly while she is drawing.

c) JOHN, a forty year old well built official from MI5 is sitting on the edge of the table looking over Lydia’s shoulder.

d) Lydia’s drawing begins to slow. There is a loud noise as she collapses on the table. Red begins to fade in her eyes and her face regains colour. John then slides out the drawing from under her and as he looks at the image his eyes flash red.

e) He walks over to a “mirror” fixed within one of the walls, and pushes the image against the screen. A deep masculine voice is heard over a tannoy system

“So, 5 days, 5 places, 5 explosions?”




In the interrogation room Lydia an innocent 10 year-old girl is sitting at a table. Suddenly she looks up and her eyes grow red and redder. She is being possessed. She is staring into space and she slowly picks up a pen and begins to draw frantically. Lydia’s face becomes pale and ghostly while she is drawing. John, a forty year old well built official from MI5 is sitting on the edge of the table looking over Lydia’s shoulder.
Lydia’s drawing begins to slow. There is a loud noise as she collapses on the table. Red begins to fade in her eyes and her face regains colour. John then slides out the drawing from under her and as he looks at the image his eyes flash red.
He walks over to a “mirror” fixed within one of the walls, and pushes the image against the screen. A deep masculine voice is heard over a tannoy system “So, 5 days, 5 place, 5 explosions?” John replies “Yep”.


Behind the glass a group of people begin to rush quickly around, they are all in uniforms. John leaves the interrogation room and enters behind the glass. He says “Smith you and your team go to locations 1, 3 and 5, and Drew you and your team go to locations 2 and 4.” He says with confidence. The team leaves.

John is left alone behind the glass with his write hand man Bob, the room is silent and then through a speaker they hear Lydia’s weak and pathetic voice “You.” They turn and she is pointing towards Bob.


Lydia picks up the pen and starts to draw again with the pen, but there is no paper, she is scratching into the table. John comes back into the room and knocks the table over so that you can see the image from behind the glass. It is another drawing of the pentagram, yet this time it has Bob’s initials in the centre. There is a crackle as the table starts to burn from the centre of the pentagram the fire builds in intensity.


Shot 1: CU of Lydia looking down and suddenly looks at the camera. (As she looks at the camera her iris’ turn red and her face pale.)


Shot 2: WS/OTS establishing the room with Lydia drawing and John, a Government Man on the desk, watching Lydia drawing.


Shot 3: Zooming in to a MS of Lydia and John on the desk.


Shot 4: Montage Sequence

Shot 5: ECU of Lydia’s’ Hand frantically drawing.
Shot 6: Low Angle MS with Lydia’s face but focusing on John and his reactions.
Shot 7: MS of just Lydia staring into the camera. Eyes red face pale. But still drawing
Shot 8: ECU of Lydia’s red eyes and pale faces.
Shot 9: WS of the interrogation room.
Shot 10: ECU of Lydia’s hand frantically drawing (repeat of shot 5)
Shot 11: MS of Lydia staring into the camera, her eyes are no longer red, her skin is no longer pale, and she has stopped drawing. She is shaking looking scared, she drops the pen.


Shot 12: Low angle MS from in front of the table of John taking the piece of paper out from under Lydia, who is lying face down on it, and looking at it for a few seconds, as he looks at it his eyes turn red.


Shot 13: OTS from Lydia watching John walking towards the glass.


Shot 14: OTS from the government watching John walking towards them.

Shot 15: OTS from the government of John placing the paper on the glass. Through a Tannoy system. Government: “So 5 days, 5 places, 5 explosions?” John: “Yeah.”


Shot 16: ECU of Lydia’s eyes turning red and her face pale.


Shot 17: CU of the paper with Lydia’s Drawing burning from the middle out. END

Saturday, 12 December 2009

Props & Costume List

Paranormal Productions

Props List




School Source

Chair (Simon’s room)


School Source



School Source



Art Department



Art Department


-- Black Suits


Drama Department

-- Jeans and Top





We have chosen simplistic and naturalistic props firstly to save us money and because we thought it would be more effective and so that the audience would concentrate on the story and the action of the scene. All costumes are black or white. We are going to dress our interrogator in a black suit with a white shirt so that he looks like an official and the colours show good and evil. This could give the audience mixed messages about whether he is a 'good guy' or a 'bad guy'. We are going to dress the young girl in all black to represent her dark and mysterious character.


We had to create this storyboard to creat an accurate picture of what we wanted to produce. Creating this storyboard gave as a good outline of our product that we could follow. This allowed us to follow a structure and stick to our oringinal ideas.

Wednesday, 9 December 2009

Developed Thriller Film Idea

To help develop our idea further, we were asked to present our idea to two experienced media teachers. After much debating, criticism and new ideas our film had been changed quite dramatically-

A blind twelve year old girl name Lucinda has been held by the Government to help save the global phenomenon. Her in normality has been heavily influenced by the devil and her once disadvantage give by the devil has now become a unique gift that will save lives. She naturally starts to draw the pentagram that answers all questions. A governor sits over her observing and waiting. She finishes her drawing and the members of authority now are completely aware of what they must do…

The rest of the film goes as follows-
Immediately, a security is called and prepared for what may save or destroy the world. The five points of the pentagram show the five cities that will be blown up by the devil. The Government are forced to contact each city that is under threat. Inhabitants must evacuate their city and find a secure place to stay. Each police force are asked to stay in the city to prevent this colossus threat. Under twenty four hours from then, every police officer in all five cities are and the devil in still unknown.