Wednesday, 9 December 2009

Developed Thriller Film Idea

To help develop our idea further, we were asked to present our idea to two experienced media teachers. After much debating, criticism and new ideas our film had been changed quite dramatically-

A blind twelve year old girl name Lucinda has been held by the Government to help save the global phenomenon. Her in normality has been heavily influenced by the devil and her once disadvantage give by the devil has now become a unique gift that will save lives. She naturally starts to draw the pentagram that answers all questions. A governor sits over her observing and waiting. She finishes her drawing and the members of authority now are completely aware of what they must do…

The rest of the film goes as follows-
Immediately, a security is called and prepared for what may save or destroy the world. The five points of the pentagram show the five cities that will be blown up by the devil. The Government are forced to contact each city that is under threat. Inhabitants must evacuate their city and find a secure place to stay. Each police force are asked to stay in the city to prevent this colossus threat. Under twenty four hours from then, every police officer in all five cities are and the devil in still unknown.

1 comment:

  1. Blog so far is progressing well. Please refer to blog update sheet. You need to go onto your treatment and storyboard now.
