Monday, 29 March 2010

Task 4- Who would be the audience for your media product?

Our Thriller film, FIVE is targeted to a specific audience aged 15 years old to young adults (25-30 years old) The film is part of a super natural genre that the older generation may not enjoy, yet our target audience can believe and follow.FIVE is rated as a 15. Any members of public younger than this age could be offended or extremely frightened by what they view. The forceful behaviour of Russell (our external actor) could be very influential to the younger audience. In the most dramatic circumstances, young children could start to believe that this behaviour and situation is how life is meant to be. Also expressing how 'children' should act. In all cases, Lou's personality is not true of reality. This behaviour could heavily influence younger children, damaging their up bringing or even psycholoically effect them. The film will be as realistic as possible, with accurate make-up, props and acting skills. This would only add to the realistic elements of the film that could once again effect childrens behaviour and beliefs.We believe both genders would equally enjoy the film. However, the male population may prefer the topic of film because of the strong stereotype of men taking control. The manipulation and controlling behaviours of the Russell upon the Lou may discourage female members of the public to watch this film. This may now be perceived as discrimination towards the female population, but instead we are trying to produce a controversial and different plot to what has been produced in the film industry before us.We would hope that our film would be shown globally. As long as the correct targeted audience and only members of the public who prefer graphic, fast moving scenes view our film. Otherwise the films reviews and reputation would be blown. I tihnk the film's audience is very particular, but if someone were to watch it that did not enjoy this type of theme and film they really would not enjoy it.Overall, the film could have a strong fan base. It has great potential to sell successfully in the film industry.

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