Monday, 1 November 2010


In the process of creating our pop video, we were aware that we would encounter many problems that would hinder our initial ideas. Like every film company, problems will occur frequently through out the process and the shoot day it's self. Paying almost £1 million a day to film it is crucial to find quick solutions. Through out this creative period, we have had to alter many of our ideas because of the errors and problems that have occured. Our two main issues were...

1) The Location

(This is a similar factory to what we were originally aiming to film in)

2) Cast

(This is a simple example to explain how we camera tested each of our cast, and that in the media industry problems involving cast can make or break the film day)

To follow our 'urban' theme we originally sourced a derelitc old factory that was 'open' to the public. It is situated in Reigate so it was a perfect opportunity to shoot there with no fees to pay for filming and it is relatively close to the school so it is easily accessable. After researching more and visiting the area we found that it would be a very tricky area to film in. The council were unsure if we would be able to film there as well as the risk of anyone who may be attached or partly own the area may immediately ask us to leave. As well as this, there are only narrow tracks leading to the factory so we would be unable to drive with all the equipment down to the main area.

All of these factors could not have been solved...and on the shoot day we are not prepared to take such high risks as those. On the day, if we were asked to leave the property we would have no back up plan. After cancelling our first location we researched a lot of areas that would suit our theme. Many bunkers and factories were found, but again they were unaccessible areas or we were strictly unable to film there. Eventually, we decided to use Beatrice Webb boarding house. A side road leading away from the house leads to a battered area full of broken down objects. The area conveys the exact image we want of derelict, empty and silent areas that are no longer in use. After concluding that there were a limiatation of public areas to film on, we started to think about creating the image of want we wanted in the studio. This could give us a great opportunity to create exactly how we imagined our video and express, accurately what we want. This idea has not been completely eradicated because this can be a definate option if al else fails. We are very lucky to have a back-up, this means that if anything would to go wrong or anything were to be cancelled, we will always have the option of the studio.

Fortunately for us, Beatrice Webb is a 7 minute drive from school and with two of our group members boarding in the house it gives us a large chance to revisit the area. To ensure a spaceous area to film as well as taking photographs for the rest of the group to be able to plan out the video. Here, we are guarenteed filming accessibilty because it is within the properties of school. This is a huge advantage for us and has helped us to be able to continue with the progression of the rest of the video.

Our cast lsit, originally was filled with about 12 people both male and female. We camera tested some of them and finalised who we wanted to be a part of our video. A week later however we were challenged by the media department with who we could used. Many of the students were unable to attend our shoot day (11th November) because of their lessons or extra curriculum. We were disappointed to hear that the majority of our cast had be excluded from our cast members. Our main priority was to regain our DJ. The student we had picked was a professional DJ and that would obviously enphasise the realism of the video. Unfortunately, he had been selected for another video, but we at the moment we are in the progress of regaining him as one of our biggestes characters in the video. For the gang members, however we were only a few students short. Again, we were missing many of the best fitting characters but we just had to camera shoot more students that could fit our part. For the time being all gang members have been selected and secured but we are still in the challenging task of bringing back our DJ.

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